Diagnostic Expertise

Quality Service With Customer-Centric Focus

With customer service as the primary aim, we strive to thrive on quality service and enhance the same on a continuous basis in terms of accuracy, reliability and fast turnaround in reporting. We aim to provide radiology, pathology and Ultrasonography services of the highest quality forming the very foundation of our objective. 

Our Healthcare system values the patient’s opinion and enhance them to take ownership in preventive care cooperated by our team of Experts. We also help to strengthen the family engagement of the patient to root out the causes of illness from every aspect as possible.

Quality Assurance

Our diagnostic centre ensure compliance with quality standards that are designed to improve the processes for collection, handling, storage and transportation of patient specimens, as well as to assure accurate and timely test results and work environment of our employees in general.
In addition to the elective and compulsory external inspections and proficiency testing programs required by the Government of India and other applicable regulatory agencies, we have systems and procedures in place to emphasize and monitor quality through inter-centre comparisons, thereby helping to maintain reporting standards within our centre.

Professional Expertise

Our most valuable resources are our well-qualified doctors and trained professionals who meticulously manage patient study through seamless imaging and collection of samples. While technology hugely supports the services we offer, it’s our pool of professional employees who are behind ensuring that the results are accurate.

We ensure our expertise carry a positive attitude and engage themselves to keep the patient comfort as a first priority. We have a flexible team who can fill the gaps between assumptions and actual knowledge.

Technology & Innovation

Our diagnostic services involves Enhancement of clinical workflow through less keystrokes with modernised and advanced technology Machineries which cover a broad range of investigative tests. We operate ULTRASONOGRAPHY 4D with volusion S8 touch panel. Automation that provides extraordinary imaging for better diagnostic assurance.

These technological innovations are driving to improve the service outcomes while simultaneously reducing the cost to deliver the same. Our Combined objective of achieving better outcomes and lowering the cost of care will impact the attitude of all participants, including patients, providers, and the community.

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